Community Gym

Welcome to our pop-up gym! It is a friendly and relaxed space where people of all fitness levels can feel comfortable and get fit at their own pace.

Gym members can book a one-hour session online or by phone or in person at Reception. This works well to ensure everyone coming in has access to the gym equipment they want to use.

To join the gym, please come in and talk to staff at reception. You can arrange an induction with our Wellness manager Jason Biles and pick up a standing order form. The cost is £22 monthly.

Gym opening hours (these are subject to change):

  • Mondays: 8am – 3pm
  • Tuesdays: 9am – 2pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am – 1pm
  • Thursdays: 9am – 1pm
  • Fridays: 8am – 5pm
  • Saturdays: 9am – 4pm
  • Sundays: 8am – 4pm
  • New members undergo an induction with Jason, before being able to book online. Jason can also offer tailored gym programmes and personal training sessions (see below) should you wish for a more personalised experience following your induction.
  • To join, please email:
  • You can book your session by calling Reception on 811878 or you can book your gym slot online.
  • Please help us to keep the equipment in good shape and hygienic for all members by doing the following:
    • Using hand sanitiser before and after using the equipment.
    • Cleaning all equipment you’ve used, including mats, with the spray provided.
    • Not using the gym if you are at all unwell.

Personal Training Sessions

Jason, our highly experienced personal trainer, can give you individual, personal training sessions tailored to your needs and level of fitness and help you to improve and get where you want to be. The best thing is to discuss your requirements with Jason by phoning the centre (01608 811878) or his mobile (07919 018977) or emailing him on:

The price is £30 per one-hour session for gym members and £40 for non-members.

Why not give a gift of an hour of personal training as a gift? Vouchers are available by contacting Jason as above.

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