A place to connect, read, learn and play


Today’s News:  February 14, 2025

  • Wilderness 2025 Local Resident Tickets.  For more information download the poster here and complete the registration form.
  • Kids’ Runarounds still on! Please note time change Fridays from 3.15-4.15 and on Sunday mornings 11-12 until 16th February.  Bring the little ones down to run off that excess energy in a warm, dry, welcoming and fun space. Aimed at preschool and younger primary school-age children, this is a stay and play session where parents, grandparents or carers come into the Sports Hall and have fun with the kids.
  • Jason’s Circuits classes are a fabulous way to get fit for the new year. Thursday evenings 7-8 and our Family Circuits (children 10+ welcome) on Sundays 9.45-10.45. Come give it a go!
  • When classes and group sessions aren’t on (half-terms for example), did you know that you can often book a table tennis, badminton or pickleball court in our Sports Hall for a very reasonable price  or even cheaper on a walk-in basis if a court is free (and £6 for Juniors!). We provide all equipment or bring your own. Come down and have a go!  
  • Looking to get back in shape? Try BOOTCAMP on Saturday mornings at 8 am to kickstart your weekend with a heart-thumping workout. Participants of all levels of fitness welcome. Please contact Chris Cochrane if interested: wholehappyhealth@gmail.com
  • WALKING FOOTBALL continues Wednesdays 3-4.30 and Thursdays 8-9 pm and they are keen to encourage women – and any other newbies – to come and give it a go. Contact them at walkingfootball@chalburytown.co.uk if interested.
  • Styan Family Produce can be contacted here, if you would like a fresh veg box each week. You can also order Bibury Trout, milk, eggs, apple juice honey and many other locally produced foods.
  • Adult (16+) Basketball session: Join the Charlbury Bulls! This fast-paced, friendly and fun session is held from 5-6.30. Only £5 and no experience is necessary, so come on down and give it a try. You’ll receive a warm and enthusiastic welcome.
  • Youth Basketball continues to be hugely popular and lots of fun (Thursdays 4.30-5.50) , so if you’re 11-16 and interested in some pick-up basketball, come along! £3 per session and lots of fun. Again, no experience required, so come give it a go.
  • Have you ever wondered what the names of the trees are on the Playing Close? Each tree has a number on it as they are on this aerial plan and the key to which tree is which can be found here.
  • Extended gym opening hours. We are keeping the pop-up gym set up for as long as we can – which means different hours each day and they are subject to change. See the opening hours below or here.
  • Fancy a take-away? The food traders and their operating hours can be found here.
  • Jason has written an article about the benefits of exercise in the older generations. Click on the link to read it.
  • Sports hall ventilation. Here is a description of how the air handling system works in the centre (it does not recycle the air).
  • For all club leaders – here is the Incident Reporting Form. If there are any accidents, incidents or near misses during your sessions, please download and fill one of these forms in and hand it to reception as soon as you can afterwards so we can get a picture of what accidents might be happening at the centre and whether there is anything we can do to prevent them.
  • Our Terms and Conditions can be found at this link.


  • Monday: 9am-5pm
  • Tuesday: 9am-5pm
  • Wednesday: 9am-7pm
  • Thursday: 9am-7pm
  • Friday: 9am-5pm
  • Saturday: 9am-4pm
  • Sunday: 9am-4pm
  • Bank holidays: 10am-4pm

Gym Opening Hours:

  • Mondays: 8am – 3pm
  • Tuesdays: 9am – 2pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am – 1pm
  • Thursdays: 9am – 1pm
  • Fridays: 8am – 5pm
  • Saturdays: 9am – 4pm
  • Sundays: 8am – 4pm

The Library is staffed on Mondays 10am-12.30pm and on Wednesdays 2-7pm,  Fridays 2-5pm and Saturdays 10am-12.30pm.  At other times you can  return or borrow books using the self service machine.


We rely on fundraising, grants and donations for about 20% of the running costs of the Community Centre. Regular donations are especially valuable, so we have set up a “Friends of Charlbury Community Centre” scheme. Regular donors have their names appear on the display screen in the lobby, so it is good for those who missed out on the “Buy a Brick” scheme, or for people who are generous enough to want to help on a regular basis. For more details or to join please download this form.

Community Centre Warm Welcome Initiative

West Oxfordshire District Council LogoTo support our community during this cost of living crisis, Charlbury Community Centre is offering a warm and welcoming space to anyone wishing to come along. You can join in a variety of activities, make use of library services and purchase hot drinks and refreshments from our community café. The centre is open until 5pm weekdays and 4pm on weekends. This initiative is supported by West Oxfordshire District Council.

Safeguarding at the Community Centre

We take the safety and security of all our community members and centre users very seriously. Please help us to make the centre a place where we look after each other and enjoy a safe environment.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please immediately inform our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Louise on louisevwhitehead@gmail.com or 07972 860646. For information, refer to our Safeguarding policy and procedures.

If a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention, call the emergency services on 999. If there are concerns about their immediate welfare, don’t delay: call Children and Adult’s Social care on 0345 050 7666 or the MASH Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team: 0800 833408. Also please immediately inform our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Louise on louisevwhitehead@gmail.com or 07972860646.

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