A downloadable PDF of this policy can be found here.
The Thomas Gifford Trust Equality and Diversity Policy
1.1 In carrying out its functions as a charitable organisation the Thomas Gifford Trust is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, and to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against in the planning and delivery of any of our activities.
1.2 We therefore aim to ensure that the values of equality, diversity, and respect for all are embedded into everything that we do.
2.1 This policy is intended to demonstrate the Thomas Gifford Trust’s commitment to eliminating discrimination and encouraging and valuing diversity among staff, volunteers, partners, suppliers, users of our services and Trustees.
2.2 We recognise our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, and are committed to meeting them in full. We believe that a culture that embraces equality and values diversity will help us to ensure that everyone feels involved and included in our plans, programmes and activities.
2.3 We aim to create an environment which respects and welcomes everyone, and in which no form of bullying, harassment, disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour is tolerated by anyone towards anyone. This particularly applies in relation to the ‘protected characteristics’ named in the Equality Act 2010:
Age, disability, gender reassignment, income, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation, (see below for explanations).
3.1 The Thomas Gifford Trust understands that for equality to be achieved this policy needs to be made understandable to, and embraced by staff, volunteers, partners, and trustees.
3.2 This policy will be subject to agreement with any trade union which staff choose to join or to which they belong. The policy is fully supported and welcomed by all employees and has been agreed by our Board of Trustees.
3.3 All staff, volunteers, partners and Trustees have a responsibility to ensure that their own language and actions are consistent with the spirit as well as the contents of this policy.
3.4 Overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy lies with the Thomas Gifford Trust’s Co-ordinator and its Trustees.
4.1 The Thomas Gifford Trust recognises that an Equality and Diversity Policy alone is not enough to ensure that equality and diversity are central to everything that we do.
4.2 We will seek to create an environment in which diversity and the contributions of all staff, volunteers, partners, and trustees are recognised and valued in all that we do. In this way we hope to provide an example of good equality practice and promote community cohesion within the West Oxfordshire area, and its many client groups.
4.3 In introducing this policy we recognise that many people are unfamiliar with the ways in which discrimination and disadvantage affect people’s health, well-being and quality of life. We will therefore support people to develop equalities awareness and understanding.
4.4 To ensure that we are meeting the aims and the spirit of this policy we will:
It is important to us that individuals or organisations working on behalf of the Thomas Gifford Trust are aware of and agree to comply with our equality and diversity policy while that work is underway. In addition we are committed to:
6.1 We recognise that it is important for us to regularly review this policy to ensure that it reflects up to date equality legislation and best practice.
6.2 A review of our Equality and Diversity Policy will be carried out on an annual basis as a minimum and any necessary actions taken.
(Note 14pt sans fonts, such as Tahoma, and right justified margins are the easiest for people with visual impairments. Tinted paper is helpful for people with dyslexia)
Equality Act 2010 – Explanation of the Protected Characteristics
Age: An age group includes people of the same age and people of a particular range of ages. Where people fall in the same age group they share the protected characteristic of age.
An age group would include “over fifties” or twenty-one year olds. A person aged twenty-one does not share the same characteristic of age with “people in their forties”. However, a person aged twenty-one and people in their forties can share the characteristic of being in the “under fifty” age range.
Disability: A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment as a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
This section replaces similar provisions in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and provisions in secondary legislation made under that Act.
Gender reassignment: A person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if the person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex.
Marriage and civil partnership: A person has the protected characteristic of marriage and civil partnership if the person is married or is a civil partner.
Race: Race is defined as
This section replaces similar provisions in the Race Relations Act 1976. However, the power to add caste to the definition of race is a new provision.
Religion or belief: Religion means any religion and a reference to religion includes a reference to a lack of religion.
Any cult involved in illegal activities is not covered. Beliefs such as humanism and atheism would be covered.
This section replaces similar provisions in the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and the Equality Act 2006.
Sexual orientation: is a person’s sexual orientation towards:
The definition is designed to replicate the effect of similar provisions in the Employment
Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 and the Equality Act 2006.
Source: Equality Act 2010 and Explanatory Notes to the Equality Act 2010
Come join the Charlbury Bulls! Due to enormous demand, we now offer two sessions:
- The current super-popular session for secondary school-age players (over 10) are on Thursdays 4.30-5.50. Still only £3 per session. Come play with Alfie, Andy and Kit who can't wait to welcome you.
- The newer session for adult players (recommended age 16+) is now going strong - but PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: Fridays 4.30-6, £5 per session
- There is no experience level requirement - all are welcome in both sessions!
Due to huge demand, Jason has added yet another Line Dancing class! Aimed at Intermediate dancers with some experience, this additional class will be held on Wednesdays from 12.15 - 2pm
The existing classes on Tuesdays at 12 and Fridays at 11.30 will carry on - get in touch with Jason if you want to give it a try!
Run by its members for its members, Charlbury’s Community Workshop is here for everyone to use.
Open every week:
Our 'Youth Ambassador' Bryanna is excited to show you everything she's got planned for the year ahead, and wants your input! Bring a friend and come check it out. All secondary school age young people are welcome!'